II Międzynarodowy Festiwal Animacji ReANIMACJA
15-17 kwietnia 2005 r., kino Charlie
Best of British Animation Awards Vol 1
- BUTCHER1S HOOK, Simon Pummell, 1995,
- THE WOODEN LEG, Darren Doherty & Nick Smith, 1994,
- MANY HAPPY RETURNS, Marjut Rimminen, 1997,
- THE WRONG BROTHERS, Steven Weston, 1995,
- JUMPING JOAN, Petra Freeman, 1994
- REPUTATIONS Title sequence, Philip Hunt & John Kennedy, 1994,
- BBC2: Campaign Idents, 1995,
- AH POOK IS HERE, Philip Hunt, 1994,
- FEELING MY WAY, Jonathan Hodgson, 1997
- HILARY, Anthony Hodgson, 1994,
- MARTELL: LEGEND, Pat Gavin, 1995
- TERRENCE HIGGINS TRUST: KNOBS IN SPACE, Luis Cook & Dave Alex Riddett, 1995,
- MR JESSOP, Brian Wood, 1996,
- TRIANGLE, Erica Russell, 1994,
- STICKY BUSINESS, Ed Taylor, 1997,
- (Extract) A CLOSE SHAVE, Nick Park, 1995,
Running time: approx 92 mins
Best of British Animation Awards Vol 2
- Gourmand, Andrew Higgins, 1998
- The Little Princess1 Birthday, Jim Lefevre, 1997
- Bird Becomes Bird, Lucy Lee, 1998
- 3 Ways To Go, Sarah Cox, 1998
- Staggerings, Peter Collis, 1998
- Swag, Daniel Edwards, 2001
- Death And The Mother, Ruth Lingford, 1998
- Stanley, Suzie Templeton, 2000
- Unison: Ant, Jerry Hibbert, 1996
- Brisk: Rocky, Ken Lidster, 1997
- Dairylea Dunkers: Dino Time, Ray Harryhausen & Mark Nunnally, 1997
- Fisherman1s Friend: Contraption, Stephen Weston, 1998
- Flatworld, Daniel Greaves, 1998
Running time: approx 92 mins
Best of British Animation Awards Vol 3
- Rien, Kunyi Chen, 1998
- The Littlest Robo, Richard Kenworthy, 1999
- Ferment, Tim Macmillan, 2000
- The Wolfman, Tim Hope, 1999
- 6 Weeks in June, Stuart Hilton, 1998
- Silence, Orly Yadin & Sylvie Bringas, 1998
- Love Is All, Oliver Harrison, 2000,
- Deviant!, Eoin Clarke, 1999
- Pleasures Of War, Ruth Lingford, 1998
- The Wife of Bath1s Tale, Joanna Quinn, 1998
- Vibrant: Colour Excites, Clive Walley, 1999
- Orange: Hills, Philip Hunt, 1998
- Orange: Reception, Marc Craste, 1998
- Orange: Megalomaniac, Philip Hunt, 1998
- The Man With The Beautiful Eyes, Jonathan Hodgson, 1999
- Jolly Roger, Mark Baker, 1999
Approx running time: 92 mins
Best of British Animation Awards Vol 4
- Novelty, Leigh Hodginkson, 2001
- Metalstasis, Matthew Hood, 2001
- The Lucky Dip, Emily Skinner, 2001,
- Intolerance, Phil Mulloy, 2000
- Rockin1 & Rollin1, Richard Jack & Daniel Greaves, 2001
- Daddy, Stephen Cavalier, 2001,
- Home Road Movies, Robert Bradbrook, 2000
- Plain Pleasures, Sarah Cox, 2001
- Q4 Music.com, Sam Morris, 2000
- Tennents: Pintlings, Darren Walsh, 2001,
- Aero: Kiosk, Alyson Hamilton, 2001
- Hot Spot, Mark Brierley, 2000
- Father and Daughter, Michael Dudok de Wit, 2000
- Mr Grimby1s Video Diary, Neil Jack, 2001
Running time approx 92 mins
Best of British Animation Awards Vol 5
- The Girl and The Horse, Rebecca Manley 2003,
- Taps, Matthew Gravelle, 2003,
- How Mermaids Breed, Joan Ashworth, 2002,
- Survey, Joe King, 2002, ,
- Gifted, Emily Mantell, 2002
- Extn. 21, Lizzie Oxby, 2002, ,
- Takuskanskan, Selina, Cobley, 2003,
- Tennents: Body Armour, Darren Walsh, 2002,
- NSPCC: Cartoon, Frank Budgen & Russell Brooke, 2002,
- Terrence Higgins Trust: Cavern Club, Manu Roig, 2002,
- Butterfly, Glenn Marshall, 2002,
- Killing Time at Home, Neil Coslett, 2003, ,
- Little Things, Daniel Greaves, 2003,
- Dad1s Dead, Chris Shepherd, 2002, ,
- To Have And To Hold, Emily Mantell, 2003,
- Fish Never Sleep, Gaelle Denis, 2002, ,
- How To Cope With Death, Ignacio Ferreras, 2002,
Running time: approx. 92 mins
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