15-17 kwietnia 2005 r., Kino Charlie
15-17 April 2005, Charlie Cinema
15-17 avril 2005, Charlie Cinema
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I Animated Film Festival REANIMACJA took place in Łódź between 16 and 17 April 2004. The principle of the event is to offer an alternative to commercial repertoire of cinemas and to present Polish and European cinematography in the atmosphere of artistic holiday, which is a crucial element of Łódź's tradition. The main purpose of the festival is to gather unprofessional and professional works in one place and time, to familiarize the audience with various animation genres and forms, to bring different authors together and to enable exchange of thought and experience. The Festival is aimed both at Film Schools students and at amateurs, as well as at all film fans and those viewers, who have never had any contact with this art form.
The Festival included a competition. The competition was addressed to students of Polish and foreign Artistic Schools and to amateurs. 55 films participated in the REANIMACJA 2004 competition, the main award - the Gold Snail - was granted to a German film, "Das Rad". The Jury honored 2 films from Poland - "Pętla" by Wojciech Bškowski from Art School in Poznań and "Dunia" by Joanna Jasińska from Film School in Łódź. A series of films made by a group of children from Entropia Gallery in Wrocław received a special prize.
All the prizes were founded by the President of the City of Łódź - Jerzy Kropiwnicki.
Last year "Das Rad" - REANIMACJA 2004 winner - was nominated to the American Film Award (Oscar) for the best short animated film alongside "The Cathedral". It is believed to be one of the best short films made recently.
The Jury members were: Marek Skrobecki (animated films author), experts (academic lecturers): Piotr Sitarski, Maciej Karwas, Maciej Ożóg and the President of Lightcraft - Daniel Markowicz.
The Festival included a panorama of Polish animated films (55 Years of Polish Animation), a panorama of animated TV commercials (Lightcraft, Opus Film, Platige Image) and video clips (10 years of Yach Film Festival). We presented several animated films, e.g. "Eden", "Spirited Away", "Trio from Bellville".
A confrontation of students and amateurs' skills with professionals during film workshops was an important part of the Festival. The workshops took place in Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna:
Multimedia in the Internet
- Designing Web sites
- Flash
- Caricature and digital photography
- 3D design and animation
and in Łódź Film School (PWSFTViT) - Lightcraft workshops.
The Festival was accompanied by a music event in Bagdad Café with Abracadabra (DJ) and ASPIC visuals (who prepared live visualizations).
The organizers of the Festival are: KinoForma Group and Stowarzyszenie Łódź Filmowa.
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